Share your knowledge and expertise
Speakers Bureau
Offer yourself as a subject matter expert for our Speakers Bureau. We want speakers who can give presentations to end-user groups, give media interviews and take part in our webinar series.
Share your news
Let us help you spread the word. Share your announcements and media releases. These may be included in our monthly newsletter, in addition to being posted online.
Share your content
Are you an intelliFLEX Member and have already created white papers, reports or articles that are application-oriented, not self-promotional and specific to printable, flexible or hybrid electronics? Please share, so we can build our Knowledge Base and you can demonstrate your expertise to your fellow Members.
Attend the AGM
The intellFLEX AGM is open only to Members, and will be held as part of CPES every year.
Give us an idea for a webinar or training program
These must be application-oriented and not self-promotional. Pitch us an idea, and we will review it.
If you have video content related to printable, flexible or hybrid electronics available, or in production, let us know and we can add it to our Video Library.
Join the Board of Directors
There are a limited number of positions, and eligibility is limited to Full Members. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of the industry and of intelliFLEX itself.
Annual Symposium
Don’t forget the annual Canadian Printable Electronics Symposium (CPES), taking place every spring. We are actively looking for Sponsors, and accepting paper and speaking proposals.